The following is an overview of the Stream tab of captureOEM:

Region of Interest (ROI)

The Region of Interest (ROI) is the area of the sensor being viewed at any given time. The current region of interest appears as a translucent red square superimposed over an image from the camera.

  • Select the ROI size as required.  For preset sizes, click on the "Size" drop down menu and select.  Enter values in the "Width" and "Height" boxes for custom sizes, and in the Offset X and Offset Y boxes for location, or click on the red box and drag.
  • Click "Center" to reposition the ROI in the center of the imager area
  • Click on the translucent red square to update the live preview window. 

For API control of this feature, see: Region of Interest

Pixel Format

To select the appropriate "Pixel format", click on "Pixel Format" drop down menu and select desired setting.  Pixel Formats are camera dependant, the most common being 8-bit monochrome for black and white cameras and Bayer 8 for color cameras.

For API control of this feature, see: Pixel Format

For more information about Pixel Formats, see: Image Data Formats

Pixel Format (Polar Cameras Only)

For cameras that support polarization there are three available Pixel Formats:

STOKES4_12: Image data is formatted to show the polar images Stokes Values, S0, S1 and S2. The image displayed in the preview window will be the S0 channel.

POLAR4_12: Image data is formatted to show the 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° channels. The image displayed in the preview window is the sum of the 0° and 90° degree values.

HSV4_12: Image data is formatted to show the Intensity, Angle of Polarization and Degree of polarization. The image displayed in the preview window can take one of three forms, selectable in the "Interpretation" drop down box.

  • Color, will show an image where the images HUE represent the angle of polarization and the saturation is represented by the degree of polarization.
  • Angle, will show an image where the shade of the pixel represents the angle of polarization.
  • Degree, will show an image where the shade of the pixel represents degree of polarization.

For API control of this feature, see: Pixel Format and Polar HSV Interpretation

For more information about Pixel Formats, see: Image Data Formats

To increase or decrease the relative strength of each individual polar channel on the camera (0°, 45°, 90° and 135°), see API control: Polar Weightings

Pixel Addressing

Click on "Mode" and choose the type of addressing desired. Choose between decimation or binning  The addressing value can then be selected and is camera dependant.

For API control of this feature, see: Pixel Addressing

For more information about the Pixel Addressing feature, see: Pixel Addressing