


  HANDLE	hCamera,
  double*	pScheduledTimestamps,
  U32*		pNumberOfTimestamps );


This function can be used to query a specific camera, checking to see if there are outstanding scheduled action commands – and if there are, when these actions will mature (and acted upon).

  • hCamera is the camera handle.This value is returned by PxLInitialize.

  • pNumberOfTimestamps is the pointer to the number of actions supported by this camera (i.e the number of entries in the array pointed to by pScheduledTimestamps).

  • pScheduledTimestamps is the pointer to an array of doubles, where each element in the array represents the time at which the associated action (represented by the array index) will mature. An array value of 0 indicates that there is no scheduled action for the associated action (the array index).

Click here to review the complete set of actions which a camera may support.


Recommended method for calling PxLGetActions:

  • Call the function with pScheduledTimestamps set to NULL. The number of supported actions for this camera, will be returned in pNumberOfTimestamps.

  • Allocate an array of floats of size *pNumberOfTimestamps.

  • Call the function again, but this time with pScheduledTimestamps set to the allocated array from step 2.

Comments, Restrictions and Limitations

Although PxLGetActions can be used to determine what actions are still scheduled to occur, those actions are set (and cancelled) using PxLSetFeature.